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Liposuction & Body Contouring

If endless workouts and dieting aren't giving you the results you're looking for, it may be time to try liposuction in New Jersey. Liposuction treatments remove unwanted fat from the problem areas of your body, leaving you looking shapely and sleek.

What Is Liposuction?

Stubborn fat can seem impossible to remove, and those last few pounds of fat are always the hardest to get rid of. Excess stubborn fat usually lies within the abdomen for men and within the hips and thighs for women. Liposuction quickly removes that frustrating fat.

Lipo was developed by French surgeons in the 1960s and first put to clinical use in 1980. Since then, numerous advances have occurred, resulting in safe and effective state-of-the-art body contouring.

While diet and exercise only temporarily shrink fat cells, liposuction permanently removes them from the body. It offers immediate results, and as long as one does not experience major weight fluctuations, these results will be long-lasting.

Which Areas Can Be Treated with Liposuction?

Liposuction safely removes fat from the most stubborn areas:

  • Back
  • Love Handles
  • Hips
  • Abdomen
  • Waist
  • Chest/Breasts
  • Neck
  • Chin
  • Thighs
  • Lower Legs
  • Knees
  • Upper Arms

Look over our liposuction before-and-after photos in our gallery to develop a better understanding of your potential body-contouring results.

Should I Get Liposuction?

If you’re struggling with the last few pounds in your fat-loss journey, you should consult your doctor to find out if you qualify for this treatment. Patients with a good degree of skin elasticity and realistic expectations are the best candidates for liposuction.

Liposuction is an excellent option for patients with gynecomastia. Gynecomastia, or oversized male breasts, often results from excess fatty tissue in the chest region. Liposuction can contour the male chest for a more masculine appearance.

Exercise and dieting result in generalized fat reduction all over the body. Lipo instead targets specific areas of the body. Because of this, it’s best for patients to already be at or near their ideal weight.

The Liposuction Process

This treatment uses either general anesthesia or a combination of sedation and local anesthesia to make the patient ready for treatment. After this has taken effect, a tiny incision is created in the treatment area.

A cannula (a thin tube with a blunt end) is inserted into the incision. Its end is used to loosen fat cells from the surrounding tissues, and then medical suction removes the fatty tissue from the body through the cannula. The remaining body fat is contoured nicely for a natural appearance.

There are a number of liposuction techniques that may be employed based on the specifics of your case. Dr. Ganchi will discuss your options with you during your consultation.

Before & Afters

Liposuction Before and After Photo by Ganchi Plastic Surgery in Northern New Jersey

What Is Recovery From Liposuction Like?

The recovery process after liposuction is different for every patient. Generally, rest is required, and swelling and bruising will be present for a time. Wearing surgical compression garments helps tighten skin and reduces swelling after liposuction.

Staying home from work will be necessary, and avoiding activities like heavy exercise will help keep the healing process on track.

Though results will be immediately noticeable, full results cannot be seen until all swelling is gone. At this time, patients will be able to see their new fit and trim contours.

Liposuction Cost

The price of lipo is impacted by numerous factors. The size and number of treatment areas, the technique chosen for your procedure, and the amount of fat removed all play a role in determining liposuction’s overall cost.

Schedule an Informative Consultation Today

If liposuction in New Jersey sounds like the fat-removal solution you’ve been looking for, contact Ganchi Plastic Surgery today. Schedule an appointment for your consultation to get started.

This information is for educational purposes and should not be relied upon as medical advice. Any change in your medical care should be first discussed with your physician.